
Document downloads

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Document downloads

Stakeholder Outreach Meeting Notes_Jul 2016

Stakeholder Outreach Meeting Notes_May 2016

Stakeholder Outreach Meeting Notes_Nov 2015

Stakeholder Outreach Round 2 Presentation_18-22 Jul 2016

PCG Meeting 3 Notes_3 May 2016

PCG Meeting 3 Presentation_3 May 2016

Shale Gas Development Scenarios and Activities Summary Document_May 2016

Shale Gas SEA Process Document_Nov 2015

Author Team Biosketches_Nov 2015

Registered Stakeholder Workshop Presentation_13 Nov 2015

PCG Meeting 2 Notes_22 Oct 2015

PCG Meeting 2 Presentation_22 Oct 2015

Zero Order Draft_Oct 2015

Shale Gas SEA Background Information Document (BID)_Sept 2015

PCG Meeting 1 Notes_22 Jul 2015

PCG Meeting 1 Presentations_22 Jul 2015

Shale Gas SEA_Project Introduction at Media Launch_Prof Bob Scholes_12 May 2015

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Study Area of the Shale Gas Scientific Assessment (Google Earth)



Shale Gas Development Scenarios and Activities

This video describes scenarios and activities which my be assumed for shale gas development in the Karoo region of South Africa. The purpose of the Shale Gas Development Scenarios and Activities, which forms Chapter 1 of the Scientific Assessment report, is to describe the scale and type of activities assumed for three shale gas development scenarios of increasing magnitude. The scenarios are described in the context of a reference scenario where there is no shale gas development and cover a range of plausible futures. It does not present any conclusions regarding how likely or desirable any of the scenarios are, neither does it outline the site specific regulatory processes which will be required for decision-making around shale gas development. Rather, it provides a shared framework from which activity- and issue-related risk is estimated for the 17 strategic issue chapters which follow.

A summary document has been published on the SEA website, which should be read in combination with the summary video provided here. Please note that no comments submitted on the video or summary document will be taken. The full draft Chapter 1 along with the 17 other draft chapters will be available for public comment in mid-June for a 4 week period. All comments, correctly submitted, on the draft Scientific Assessment draft report will be responded in a formal manner by the multi-author teams.
